Source code for ajenti.ui.binder

import copy
import warnings

from ajenti.api import *
from ajenti.ui.element import p, UIElement
from ajenti.util import *

def is_bound_context(el):
    :type el: UIElement
    :rtype: bool
    return ('{binder}context' in and['{binder}context'] is not None

def is_bound(el):
    :type el: UIElement
    :rtype: bool
    if el.typeid.startswith('bind:'):
        return True
    for prop in
        if prop == 'bind' or prop.startswith('{bind}') or is_bound_context(el):
                return True
    return False

[docs]class Binding (object): """ A base class for bindings. Binding is a link between a Python object attribute and Ajenti UI element's property. :param object: a Python object :param attribute: attribute name :param ui: Ajenti :class:`ajenti.ui.UIElement` """ def __init__(self, object, attribute, ui): """ :type object: object :type attribute: str :type ui: UIElement """ self.object = object self.attribute = attribute self.ui = ui self.dict_mode = False if attribute and attribute.startswith('[') and attribute.endswith(']'): self.dict_mode = True self.attribute = self.attribute[1:-1] @classmethod
[docs] def applicable(cls, object, attribute): try: cls.extract(object, attribute) return True except: return False
[docs] def extract(cls, object, attribute, ignore_errors=True): if attribute.startswith('[') and attribute.endswith(']'): if ignore_errors: return object.get(attribute[1:-1], None) else: return object.get[attribute[1:-1]] else: return getattr(object, attribute)
[docs] def get(self): """ :returns: value of the bound attribute """ if self.dict_mode: return self.object.get(self.attribute, None) else: return getattr(self.object, self.attribute)
[docs] def set(self, value): """ Sets value of the bound attribute """ try: if self.dict_mode: self.object[self.attribute] = value else: setattr(self.object, self.attribute, value) except Exception: raise Exception('Binder set failed: %s.%s = %s' % (self.object, self.attribute, repr(value)))
[docs] def populate(self): """ Should update the UI with attribute's value """
[docs] def unpopulate(self): """ Should revert UI to normal state """
[docs] def update(self): """ Should update the attribute with data from the UI """
[docs]class PropertyBinding (Binding): """ A simple binding between UI element's property and Python object's attribute :param property: UI property name. If ``None``, property is deduced from ``bindtypes`` """ def __init__(self, obj, attribute, ui, property=None): """ :type attribute: str :type ui: UIElement :type property: str, None """ Binding.__init__(self, obj, attribute, ui) if property is None: # find a property with matching bindtypes v = self.__get_transformed() for prop in ui.property_definitions.values(): if prop.bindtypes: # nb: we can't guess the type for None if type(v) in prop.bindtypes or (v is None) or (object in prop.bindtypes): = break else: raise Exception('Cannot bind %s.%s (%s, = %s) to %s' % (repr(obj), attribute, repr(type(v)), repr(v), ui)) else: = property self.oneway = ui.bindtransform is not None def __repr__(self): return u'[%s.%s <-> %s.%s]' % (self.object, self.attribute, self.ui, def __get_transformed(self): return self.ui.bindtransform(self.get()) if self.ui.bindtransform else self.get()
[docs] def populate(self): self.old_value = self.get() setattr(self.ui,, self.__get_transformed())
[docs] def update(self): if self.oneway: return new_value = getattr(self.ui, # avoid unnecessary sets if new_value != self.old_value: self.set(new_value)
class DictValueBinding (PropertyBinding): def get(self): return self.object.get(self.attribute, None) def set(self, value): self.object[self.attribute] = value def update(self): if self.oneway: return self.set(getattr(self.ui, @public
[docs]class ListAutoBinding (Binding): """ Binds values of a collection to UI element's children consecutively, using :class:`Binder` """ def __init__(self, object, attribute, ui): Binding.__init__(self, object, attribute, ui) self.binders = {} self.values = []
[docs] def unpopulate(self): for binder in self.binders.values(): binder.unpopulate()
[docs] def populate(self): if self.attribute: self.collection = Binding.extract(self.object, self.attribute) else: self.collection = self.object self.values = self.ui.values(self.collection) self.unpopulate() self.binders = {} index = 0 if len(self.values) > len(self.ui.children): raise Exception('Number of bind:list children is less than collection size') for value in self.values: template = self.ui.children[index] index += 1 binder = Binder(value, template) binder.populate() self.binders[value] = binder self.ui.post_item_bind(self.object, self.collection, value, template) self.ui.post_bind(self.object, self.collection, self.ui) return self
[docs] def update(self): for value in self.values: self.binders[value].update() self.ui.post_item_update(self.object, self.collection, value, self.binders[value].ui)
[docs]class DictAutoBinding (Binding): """ Binds values from a dict to UI element's children mapping 'bind' attribute to dict key, using :class:`Binder` """ def __init__(self, object, attribute, ui): Binding.__init__(self, object, attribute, ui) self.binders = {}
[docs] def unpopulate(self): for binder in self.binders.values(): binder.unpopulate()
[docs] def populate(self): if self.attribute: self.collection = Binding.extract(self.object, self.attribute) else: self.collection = self.object self.values = self.ui.values(self.collection) self.unpopulate() self.binders = {} bindables = self.ui.nearest( lambda x: is_bound(x), exclude=lambda x: ( x != self.ui and is_bound_context(x.parent) and x.parent != self.ui ) ) for bindable in bindables: if bindable == self.ui: continue for prop in if not[prop]: continue if prop.startswith('{bind}'): binder = DictValueBinding(self.values,[prop], bindable, prop.split('}')[1]) elif prop == 'bind': binder = DictValueBinding(self.values, bindable.bind, bindable) else: continue key =[prop] binder.populate() self.binders[key] = binder self.ui.post_bind(self.object, self.collection, self.ui) return self
[docs] def update(self): for key in self.binders: self.binders[key].update() self.ui.post_item_update(self.object, self.collection, key, self.binders[key].ui)
def _element_in_child_binder(root, e): """ detect if the element is trapped inside a nested bind: tag relative to e :type root: UIElement :type e: UIElement :rtype: bool """ return any(x.typeid.startswith('bind:') for x in root.path_to(e)) def _element_in_child_template(root, e): """ detect if the element is trapped inside a nested bind: tag relative to e :type root: UIElement :type e: UIElement :rtype: bool """ return any(x.typeid.startswith('bind:template') for x in root.path_to(e)) @public
[docs]class CollectionAutoBinding (Binding): """ Binds values of a collection to UI element's children using a template. The expected UI layout:: <xml xmlns:bind="bind"> <bind:collection id="<binding to this>"> <container-element bind="__items"> <1-- instantiated templates will appear here --> </container-element> <bind:template> <!-- a template for one collection item it will be bound to item using ajenti.ui.binder.Binder --> <label bind="some_property" /> <button id="__delete" /> <!-- a delete button may appear in the template --> </bind:template> <button id="__add" /> <!-- an add button may appear inside collection tag --> </bind:collection> </xml> """ def __init__(self, object, attribute, ui): Binding.__init__(self, object, attribute, ui) self.template = ui.find_type('bind:template') if self.template: if self.template.children: self.template = self.template.children[0] self.template_parent = self.template.parent self.template.visible = False self.items_ui_element = self.ui.nearest(lambda x: x.bind == '__items')[0] or self.ui self.old_items = copy.copy(self.items_ui_element.children) self.item_ui = [] self.binders = [] self.values = [] self.last_template_hash = None
[docs] def unpopulate(self): if self.template: self.template_parent.append(self.template) self.items_ui_element.empty() # restore original container content self.items_ui_element.children = copy.copy(self.old_items) return self
[docs] def get_template(self, item, ui): # override for custom item template creation return self.template.clone()
[docs] def populate(self): if self.template: self.template_parent.remove(self.template) if self.attribute: self.collection = self.get() else: self.collection = self.object self.values = self.ui.values(self.collection) if self.ui.sorting: self.values = sorted(self.values, key=self.ui.sorting) self.unpopulate() # Do it before DOM becomes huge self.items_ui_element.on('add', self.on_add) try: add_button = self.ui.nearest(lambda x: x.bind == '__add')[0] if not _element_in_child_binder(self.ui, add_button): add_button.on('click', self.on_add) except IndexError: pass if self.ui.pagesize: try: self.paging = None paging = self.ui.nearest(lambda x: x.bind == '__paging')[0] if not _element_in_child_binder(self.ui, paging): self.paging = paging paging.on('switch', self.set_page) paging.length = int((len(self.values) - 1) / self.ui.pagesize) + 1 except IndexError: pass self.item_ui = {} self.binders = {} for index, value in enumerate(self.values): # apply the filter property if not self.ui.filter(value): continue template = self.get_template(value, self.ui) template.visible = True self.items_ui_element.append(template) self.item_ui[index] = template binder = Binder(value, template) binder.populate() self.binders[index] = binder try: del_button = template.nearest(lambda x: x.bind == '__delete')[0] if not _element_in_child_binder(template, del_button): del_button.on('click', self.on_delete, value) except IndexError: pass self.ui.post_item_bind(self.object, self.collection, value, template) self.set_page(0) self.ui.post_bind(self.object, self.collection, self.ui) return self
[docs] def set_page(self, page=0): if self.ui.pagesize: for index, value in enumerate(self.values): self.item_ui[index].visible = int(index / self.ui.pagesize) == page if self.paging: = page
[docs] def on_add(self): self.update() self.ui.add_item(self.ui.new_item(self.collection), self.collection) self.populate()
[docs] def on_delete(self, item): self.update() self.ui.delete_item(item, self.collection) self.populate()
[docs] def update(self): if hasattr(self.items_ui_element, 'sortable') and self.items_ui_element.order: sortable_indexes = [] for i, e in enumerate(self.items_ui_element.children): if e.visible: sortable_indexes.append(i) try: absolute_order = [sortable_indexes[i - 1] for i in self.items_ui_element.order] indexes_valid = True except IndexError: indexes_valid = False if indexes_valid: new_indexes = [] absolute_order_idx = 0 for i in range(len(self.values)): if i in sortable_indexes: new_indexes.append(absolute_order[absolute_order_idx]) absolute_order_idx += 1 else: new_indexes.append(i) shuffle = lambda a: dict([(old, a[i]) for old, i in enumerate(new_indexes) if i < len(self.collection)]) self.binders = shuffle(self.binders) self.item_ui = shuffle(self.item_ui) new_values = [self.values[i] for i in new_indexes if i < len(self.collection)] while len(self.collection) > 0: self.collection.pop(0) for e in new_values: self.collection.append(e) self.items_ui_element.order = [] for index, value in enumerate(self.values): if self.ui.filter(value): self.binders[index].update() self.ui.post_item_update(self.object, self.collection, value, self.binders[index].ui)
[docs]class Binder (object): """ An automatic object-to-ui-hierarchy binder. Uses ``bind`` UI property to find what and where to bind. If ``object`` is not None, the Binder is also initialized (see ``setup(object)``) with this data object. :param object: Python object :param ui: UI hierarchy root """ def __init__(self, object=None, ui=None): self.bindings = [] self.ui = ui if object is not None: self.setup(object) def __warn_new_binder(self, s): import traceback; traceback.print_stack(); warnings.warn(s, DeprecationWarning) print('Binding syntax has been changed: see')
[docs] def setup(self, object=None): """ Initializes the Binder with a data object. :type object: object """ self.unpopulate() if object is not None: self.object = object self.__autodiscover() return self
[docs] def reset(self, object=None, ui=None): """ Cancels the binding and replaces Python object / UI root. :type object: object :type ui: UIElement, None """ self.__warn_new_binder('Binder.reset(object, ui)') self.unpopulate() if object is not None: self.object = object if ui: self.ui = ui return self
[docs] def autodiscover(self, object=None, ui=None): self.__warn_new_binder('Binder.autodiscover(object, ui)') self.__autodiscover(object, ui) return self
def __autodiscover(self, object=None, ui=None): """ Recursively scans UI tree for ``bind`` properties, and creates bindings. """ # Initial call if object is None and ui is None: self.bindings = [] if ui is None: ui = self.ui if object is None: object = self.object bindables = ui.nearest( lambda x: is_bound(x), exclude=lambda x: ( x.parent != ui and x != ui and ( '{bind}context' in # skip nested contexts or x.parent.typeid.startswith('bind:') # and templates and nested collections ) ) ) for bindable in bindables: # Custom/collection binding if bindable.typeid.startswith('bind:'): k = bindable.bind if k and Binding.applicable(object, k): self.add(bindable.binding(object, k, bindable)) continue for prop in if not prop.startswith('{bind') and prop != 'bind': continue k =[prop] # Nested binder context if prop == '{binder}context': if bindable is not ui and k: if Binding.applicable(object, k): self.__autodiscover(Binding.extract(object, k), bindable) # Property binding if prop.startswith('{bind}') or prop == 'bind': propname = None if prop == 'bind' else prop.split('}')[1] if k and Binding.applicable(object, k): self.add(PropertyBinding(object, k, bindable, propname)) return self
[docs] def add(self, binding): self.bindings.append(binding)
[docs] def populate(self): """ Populates the bindings. """ for binding in self.bindings: binding.populate() return self
[docs] def unpopulate(self): """ Unpopulates the bindings. """ for binding in self.bindings: binding.unpopulate() return self
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the bindings. """ for binding in self.bindings: binding.update() return self # Helper elements
@p('post_bind', default=lambda o, c, u: None, type=eval, public=False, doc='Called after binding is complete, ``lambda object, collection, ui: None``') @p('post_item_bind', default=lambda o, c, i, u: None, type=eval, public=False, doc='Called after an item is bound, ``lambda object, collection, item, item-ui: None``') @p('post_item_update', default=lambda o, c, i, u: None, type=eval, public=False, doc='Called after an item is updated, ``lambda object, collection, item, item-ui: None``') @p('binding', default=ListAutoBinding, type=eval, public=False, doc='Collection binding class to use') @p('filter', default=lambda i: True, type=eval, public=False, doc='Called to filter collection''s values, ``lambda value: bool``') @p('values', default=lambda c: c, type=eval, public=False, doc='Called to extract values from the collection, ``lambda collection: []``') @public
[docs]class BasicCollectionElement (UIElement): pass
@public @plugin
[docs]class ListElement (BasicCollectionElement): typeid = 'bind:list'
@public @p('add_item', default=lambda i, c: c.append(i), type=eval, public=False, doc='Called to append value to the collection, ``lambda item, collection: None``') @p('new_item', default=lambda c: None, type=eval, public=False, doc='Called to create an empty new item, ``lambda collection: object()``') @p('delete_item', default=lambda i, c: c.remove(i), type=eval, public=False, doc='Called to remove value from the collection, ``lambda item, collection: None``') @p('sorting', default=None, type=eval, public=False, doc='If defined, used as key function to sort items') @p('pagesize', default=0, type=int, public=False) @p('binding', default=CollectionAutoBinding, type=eval, public=False) @plugin
[docs]class CollectionElement (BasicCollectionElement): typeid = 'bind:collection'
@p('binding', default=DictAutoBinding, type=eval, public=False) @plugin class DictElement (BasicCollectionElement): typeid = 'bind:dict'
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