Source code for ajenti.plugins

import imp
import os
import logging
import traceback
import subprocess
import sys
import weakref

from ajenti.util import *

[docs]class PluginLoadError (Exception): pass
[docs]class PluginFormatError (PluginLoadError):
[docs] def describe(self): return 'Plugin format error'
def __str__(self): return 'format error'
[docs]class PluginCrashed (PluginLoadError): def __init__(self, e): self.e = e self.traceback = traceback.format_exc()
[docs] def describe(self): return 'Crashed: %s' % self.e
def __str__(self): return 'crashed: %s' % self.e
[docs]class Dependency (object):
[docs] class Unsatisfied (PluginLoadError): def __init__(self): PluginLoadError.__init__(self, None) self.dependency = None
[docs] def reason(self): pass
[docs] def describe(self): return 'Dependency unsatisfied'
def __str__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (self.dependency.__class__.__name__, self.reason())
[docs] def satisfied(self): if hasattr(self, '_was_satisfied'): return self._was_satisfied self._was_satisfied = self.is_satisfied() return self._was_satisfied
[docs] def build_exception(self): exception = self.Unsatisfied() exception.dependency = self return exception
[docs] def check(self): if not self.satisfied(): exception = self.build_exception() raise exception
@property def value(self): return str(self)
[docs]class ModuleDependency (Dependency): description = 'Python module'
[docs] class Unsatisfied (Dependency.Unsatisfied):
[docs] def reason(self): return '%s' % self.dependency.module_name
def __init__(self, module_name): self.module_name = module_name
[docs] def is_satisfied(self): if self.module_name in sys.modules: return True try: __import__(self.module_name) return True except: return False
def __str__(self): return self.module_name
[docs]class PluginDependency (Dependency): description = 'Plugin'
[docs] class Unsatisfied (Dependency.Unsatisfied):
[docs] def reason(self): return '%s' % self.dependency.plugin_name
def __init__(self, plugin_name): self.plugin_name = plugin_name
[docs] def is_satisfied(self): # get_order() only contains successfully loaded plugins return self.plugin_name in manager.get_order()
def __str__(self): return self.plugin_name
[docs]class BinaryDependency (Dependency): description = 'Application binary'
[docs] class Unsatisfied (Dependency.Unsatisfied):
[docs] def reason(self): return '%s' % self.dependency.binary_name
def __init__(self, binary_name): self.binary_name = binary_name
[docs] def is_satisfied(self): return['which', self.binary_name]) == 0
def __str__(self): return self.binary_name
[docs]class FileDependency (Dependency): description = 'File'
[docs] class Unsatisfied (Dependency.Unsatisfied):
[docs] def reason(self): return '%s' % self.dependency.file_name
def __init__(self, file_name): self.file_name = file_name
[docs] def is_satisfied(self): return os.path.exists(self.file_name)
def __str__(self): return self.file_name
[docs]class PluginContext (object): """ Container of interfaces and plugins """ def __init__(self): self.__instances = {} self.__hardrefs = [] def __str__(self): return 'Root context' def _get_all_instances(self): return self.__instances
[docs] def vacuum_instances(self): dead_ifaces = [] for iface, lst in self.__instances.iteritems(): for ref in list(lst): if ref() is None: lst.remove(ref) if len(lst) == 0: dead_ifaces.append(iface) for iface in dead_ifaces: del self.__instances[iface]
[docs] def get_instances(self, cls): return filter(None, [_() for _ in self.__instances.setdefault(cls, [])])
[docs] def get_instance(self, cls): self.vacuum_instances() if not cls in self.__instances: return self.instantiate(cls) inst = list(self.__instances[cls])[0]() if inst is None: return self.instantiate(cls) return inst
[docs] def instantiate(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): instance = cls(*args, **kwargs) instance.context = self last_init = None for base in reversed(cls.mro()): if hasattr(base, 'init'): init = getattr(base, 'init') if init != last_init: init(instance) last_init = init nit = getattr(cls, '_no_instance_tracking', None) if nit is not True and nit != cls: logging.debug('%s instantiated [%s] %s' % (self, type(instance).__name__, instance)) for iface in cls._implements + [cls]: if not getattr(iface, '_no_instance_tracking', None) in [True, iface]: self.__instances.setdefault(iface, set()).add(weakref.ref(instance)) if hasattr(cls, '_instance_hardref'): self.__hardrefs.append(instance) return instance
[docs]class PluginManager: """ Handles plugin loading and unloading """ extra_location = '/var/lib/ajenti/plugins' context = PluginContext() blacklist = [] __classes = {} __plugins = {} __order = []
[docs] def register_interface(self, iface): setattr(iface, '__ajenti_interface', True)
[docs] def register_implementation(self, impl): impl._implements = [] for cls in impl.mro(): if hasattr(cls, '__ajenti_interface'): self.__classes.setdefault(cls, []).append(impl) impl._implements.append(cls)
[docs] def get_implementations(self, iface): return filter(lambda x: x not in self.blacklist, self.__classes.setdefault(iface, [])) # Plugin loader
[docs] def get_all(self): return self.__plugins
[docs] def get_order(self): return self.__order
[docs] def load_all(self): path = os.path.split(__file__)[0] locations = [path] if os.path.exists(self.extra_location): locations += [self.extra_location] items = [] for location in locations: items += [(x, os.path.join(location, x)) for x in os.listdir(location)] for item in items: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(item[1], '')): if not item[0] in self.__plugins: self.load_recursive(item[0])
[docs] def get_plugins_root(self): return os.path.split(__file__)[0]
[docs] def resolve_path(self, name): return self.__plugins[name].path
[docs] def load_recursive(self, name): while True: try: return self.load(name) except PluginDependency.Unsatisfied as e: if e.dependency.plugin_name in manager.get_all(): if manager.get_all()[e.dependency.plugin_name].crash: manager.get_all()[name].crash = e logging.warn(' *** Plugin dependency unsatisfied: %s -> %s' % (name, e.dependency.plugin_name)) return try: logging.debug('Preloading plugin dependency: %s' % e.dependency.plugin_name) if not self.load_recursive(e.dependency.plugin_name): manager.get_all()[name].crash = e return except: raise
[docs] def load(self, name): """ Loads given plugin """ logging.debug('Loading plugin %s' % name) try: try: mod = imp.load_module('ajenti.plugins.%s' % name, *imp.find_module(name, [self.get_plugins_root(), self.extra_location])) if not hasattr(mod, 'info'): raise PluginFormatError() except PluginFormatError: raise except Exception as e: # TOTAL CRASH from ajenti.api import PluginInfo info = PluginInfo(name=name, crash=e) self.__plugins[name] = info raise PluginCrashed(e) info = info.module = mod = False = name info.path = mod.__path__[0] info.crash = None if hasattr(mod, 'init'): info.init = mod.init self.__plugins[name] = info for dependency in info.dependencies: dependency.check() = True try: info.init() except Exception as e: raise PluginCrashed(e) if name in self.__order: self.__order.remove(name) self.__order.append(name) return True except PluginDependency.Unsatisfied as e: raise except PluginFormatError as e: logging.warn(' *** [%s] Plugin error: %s' % (name, e)) except PluginCrashed as e: logging.warn(' *** [%s] Plugin crashed: %s' % (name, e)) print(e.traceback) info.crash = e except Dependency.Unsatisfied as e: logging.debug(' *** [%s] skipping due to %s' % (name, e)) info.crash = e except PluginLoadError as e: logging.warn(' *** [%s] Plugin failed to load: %s' % (name, e)) info.crash = e
manager = PluginManager()
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