Source code for ajenti.api

import os
import inspect
import copy

import ajenti
from ajenti.plugins import manager, PluginContext

from reconfigure.items.ajenti import ConfigData

[docs]class PluginInfo: """ Describes a loaded plugin package """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): = '' self.description = '' self.icon = None = '' self.homepage = '' self.dependencies = [] def init(): pass self.init = init for k in kwargs: setattr(self, k, kwargs[k]) def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(, def __hash__(self): return hash(
[docs]def plugin(cls): """ A decorator to create plugin classes:: @plugin class SomePlugin (ISomething): pass If the class has a ``verify`` method returning ``bool``, it's invoked. If the method returned ``False``, plugin is rejected and removed from implementation lists. If the class has a ``platforms`` attribute, which is a list of supported platform names, it's compared against the current runtime OS platform. If the current platform is not in the list, plugin is also rejected. Following class methods are injected. .. function:: .get(context=<current context>) :returns: any existing instance or creates a new one .. function:: .new(*args, context=<current context>, **kwargs) :returns: a new instance. Use this method instead of constructor, since it invokes the proper initialization chain and registers the instance :type cls: class :rtype: class, None """ # Run custom verificator if any if hasattr(cls, 'verify'): if not cls.verify(): return cls if hasattr(cls, 'platforms'): if not ajenti.platform in cls.platforms: return cls manager.register_implementation(cls) cls._plugin = True cls._path = inspect.getfile(cls) cls.classname = cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__name__ # Inject methods def get(cls, context=None): if not context: context = getattr(cls, '_enforce_context', extract_context()) return context.get_instance(cls) cls.get = get.__get__(cls) def new(cls, *args, **kwargs): context = kwargs.pop('context', None) if not context: context = getattr(cls, '_enforce_context', extract_context()) return context.instantiate(cls, *args, **kwargs) = new.__get__(cls) if hasattr(cls, 'classinit'): cls.classinit() return cls
[docs]def persistent(cls): """ Makes this plugin non-GCable :type cls: class :rtype: class """ cls._instance_hardref = True return cls
[docs]def rootcontext(cls): """ Enforces use of root PluginContext by default for .get() and .new() classmethods. """ cls._enforce_context = manager.context return cls
[docs]def notrack(cls): """ Disables instance tracking of plugin (and derivative) instances within PluginContext via get/get_all and similar methods. :type cls: class :rtype: class """ cls._no_instance_tracking = True return cls
[docs]def notrack_this(cls): """ Disables instance tracking of plugin instances within PluginContext via get/get_all and similar methods. :type cls: class :rtype: class """ if not hasattr(cls, '_no_instance_tracking'): cls._no_instance_tracking = cls return cls
[docs]def track(cls): """ Enables previously disabled instance tracking of plugin. :type cls: class :rtype: class """ cls._no_instance_tracking = False return cls
def _check_plugin(cls): if not hasattr(cls, '_plugin'): raise Exception('Class %s must be decorated with @plugin' % cls)
[docs]class NoImplementationsError (Exception): pass
[docs]def interface(cls): """ A decorator to create plugin interfaces:: @interface class ISomething (object): def contract(self): pass Following class methods are injected: .. function:: .get(context=<current context>) :returns: any existing instance or creates a new one .. function:: .get_all(context=<current context>) :returns: list of instances for each implementation .. function:: .get_class() :returns: any implementation class .. function:: .get_classes() :returns: list of implementation classes .. function:: .get_instances(context=<current context>) :returns: list of all existing instances :type cls: class :rtype: class """ # Inject methods def get(cls, context=None): if not context: context = extract_context() impls = manager.get_implementations(cls) if len(impls) == 0: raise NoImplementationsError('Implementations for %s not found' % cls.__name__) return context.get_instance(impls[0]) cls.get = get.__get__(cls) def get_all(cls, context=None): if not context: context = extract_context() return [context.get_instance(x) for x in manager.get_implementations(cls)] cls.get_all = get_all.__get__(cls) def get_class(cls): return manager.get_implementations(cls)[0] cls.get_class = get_class.__get__(cls) def get_classes(cls): return manager.get_implementations(cls) cls.get_classes = get_classes.__get__(cls) def get_instances(cls, context=None): if not context: context = extract_context() return context.get_instances(cls) cls.get_instances = get_instances.__get__(cls) cls._interface = True manager.register_interface(cls) return cls
[docs]def extract_context(): """ An utility function that extracts and returns the nearest :class:`AppContext` from the current call stack. :rtype: :class:`ajenti.plugins.PluginContext`, None """ for frame in inspect.stack(): # Traverse the call stack arguments = frame[0].f_code.co_varnames if not arguments: continue self_argument = arguments[0] # This *should* be 'self' if not self_argument in frame[0].f_locals: continue instance = frame[0].f_locals[self_argument] # = first passed *arg if hasattr(instance, 'context') and isinstance(instance.context, PluginContext): # Grab the context if any return instance.context
[docs]class BasePlugin (object): """ A base plugin class that provides :class:`AppContext` and ``classconfig`` functionality. """ default_classconfig = None """ Override this in your class with a default config object (must be JSON-serializable) """ classconfig_name = None """ Override this in your class if you want this plugin to be configurable through Configure > Plugins """ classconfig_root = False """ When True, classconfig will be stored in root's config section disregarding current user """ classconfig_editor = None """ Override this in your class with an ajenti.plugins.configurator.api.ClassConfigEditor derivative """ context = None """ Automatically receives a reference to the current :class:`AppContext` """
[docs] def init(self): """ Do your initialization here. Correct bottom-to-up inheritance call order guaranteed. """ self.context = extract_context() if self.context: self.load_classconfig()
[docs] def create_classconfig(self): config = ConfigData() = self.classname = copy.deepcopy(self.default_classconfig) if self.default_classconfig is not None: self.__get_config_store().setdefault(self.classname, config)
[docs] def load_classconfig(self): """ Loads the content of ``classconfig`` attribute from the user's configuration section. """ self.create_classconfig() if self.default_classconfig is not None: self.classconfig = self.__get_config_store()[self.classname].data
def __get_config_store(self): if not self.classconfig_root: return self.context.user.configs return ajenti.config.tree.users['root'].configs
[docs] def open_content(self, path, mode='r'): """ Provides access to plugin-specific files from ``/content`` directory of the package :param path: path relative to package's ``/content`` :param mode: Python file access mode :type path: str :type mode: str :returns: An open file object :rtype: file """ _check_plugin(self.__class__) root = os.path.split(self.__class__._path)[0] while len(root) > 1 and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, 'content')): root = os.path.split(root)[0] if len(root) <= 1: raise Exception('content directory not found') return open(os.path.join(root, 'content', path), mode)
[docs] def save_classconfig(self): """ Saves the content of ``classconfig`` attribute into the user's configuration section. """ self.create_classconfig() self.__get_config_store()[self.classname].data = self.classconfig
[docs]class AppContext (PluginContext): """ A session-specific context provided to everyone who inherits :class:`BasePlugin`. .. attribute:: session current HTTP session: :class:`ajenti.middleware.Session` .. attribute:: user current logged in user: :class:`reconfigure.items.ajenti.UserData` Methods injected by MainPlugin: .. method:: notify(text) :param text: Notification text to show .. method:: launch(id, *args, **kwargs) :param id: Intent ID to be launched """ def __init__(self, parent, httpcontext): PluginContext.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.session = httpcontext.session self.user = ajenti.config.tree.users[httpcontext.session.identity] def __str__(self): return 'Context for %s' %
__all__ = [ 'PluginInfo', 'BasePlugin', 'AppContext', 'plugin', 'rootcontext', 'notrack', 'notrack_this', 'track', 'persistent', 'extract_context', 'NoImplementationsError', 'interface', ]
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